Asteroid Foundation

Asteroid Foundation Brings Space Education to Youth with ERASMUS+

Asteroid Foundation Brings Space Education to Youth with ERASMUS+ 799 533 Asteroid Foundation

In the pursuit of inspiring young minds with the space exploration and the potential of asteroids, the Asteroid Foundation, with support of the European Union Erasmus+ programme, organised six events…

La tête dans les étoiles au Tramsschapp

La tête dans les étoiles au Tramsschapp 900 675 Asteroid Foundation

This article was originally published on L’Essentiel on June 30, 2023. L’espace fait rêver petits et grands. Samedi dès 10h, au Tramsschapp dans la capitale, lors de l’Asteroid Day Festival,…

Luxemburg feiert den achten „Asteroid Day“

Luxemburg feiert den achten „Asteroid Day“ 1920 1080 Asteroid Foundation

This article was originally published on Luxembourg Wort on June 29, 2023. Die Explosion eines Asteroiden am 30. Juni 1908 über Sibirien gilt als größte durch einen Himmelskörper verursachte Explosion…

June 30 and July 1 in Luxembourg: eighth edition of Asteroid Day

June 30 and July 1 in Luxembourg: eighth edition of Asteroid Day 1594 904 Asteroid Foundation

This article was originally published on Air & Cosmos – International on June 28, 2023. The Asteroid Foundation in Luxembourg is celebrating the eighth edition of Asteroid Day, with a program…

Asteroid Day : une journée pour tourner la tête vers les étoiles

Asteroid Day : une journée pour tourner la tête vers les étoiles 840 450 Asteroid Foundation

This article was originally published on Le Quotidien on June 27, 2023. Les animations autour de l’Asteroid Day auront lieu le 30 juin et le 1er juillet dans la capitale.…